g. Paul Bishop Studio
2125 Durant Avenue Map View

g. Paul Bishop Studio, photo R. Kehlmann (2023).
designated in 1986
Carl Fox, Designer
Fox Bros., Builders, 1938–39
Notwithstanding its steel-sash showcase window, this diminutive Storybook-style, reinforced-brick building was designed as a four-room rental dwelling with a two-story-high living room in the front. Not until photographer George “g.” Paul Bishop (1915–1998) acquired it in 1946 did it become a live-work space. Dropping out of pre-dental school in 1938, Bishop established his photographic career by shooting glamorous portraits. During WWII, he served as a photo officer in the Navy, an experience that transformed his outlook and style. Upon return, he eschewed flattering portraits and never retouched his prints. In this unvarnished mode, he captured numerous world-renowned figures, his favorites being Aldous Huxley, Robert Frost, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Berkeley Historical Plaque Project
Photo credit abbreviations:
BAHA: Berkeley Architectural Heritage Assn.
BHS: Berkeley Historical Society