Fullen Market Building
1531 San Pablo Avenue Map View

Franklin Market Building early photo.
designated in 1985
Henry S. Patton, Builder, 1907–08
Built by a real-estate developer during the East Bay building boom that followed the 1906 earthquake, this corner store anchored the southwestern boundary of the neighborhood once known as Regents Park. For over 75 years owners of the grocery, and later the owners of Rivoli Delicatessen and Salami Factory, lived upstairs. Tempting aromas lured prospective customers inside, as they waited for the streetcar under the store’s retractable awning.
The original tile-roofed early Mission Revival-style building retains its heavy beamed projecting bays and roof bracketing. Decorative S-shaped wooden window mullions were later removed. The original corner-store entrance has been relocated, although the interior remains mostly intact.
Berkeley Historical Plaque Project
Photo credit abbreviations:
BAHA: Berkeley Architectural Heritage Assn.
BHS: Berkeley Historical Society