Original Hillside Club building, promotional pamphlet, “Who’s Who in Berkeley,” (1917) George Sutcliffe, BAHA archives
designated in 2004
John White, Architect, 1924
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
The Hillside Club was founded in 1898 by Berkeley women intent on preserving the natural beauty of the hills. It soon became an influential cultural force. North Berkeley’s curved streets with old trees, exposed rocks, numerous parks, and walking paths are among the legacies of the Club’s work.
This building replaced the original Bernard Maybeck clubhouse that was destroyed by the 1923 North Berkeley Fire. Maybeck’s brother-in-law, John White, designed this shingle-style building to reflect the architectural intent of the original. The asymmetric two-story building, with its monumental fireplace, is built of materials indigenous to the area.
Berkeley Historical Plaque Project
Photo credit abbreviations:
BAHA: Berkeley Architectural Heritage Assn.
BHS: Berkeley Historical Society