Toveri Tupa: Finnish Hall
1819 Tenth Street Map View

Toverii Tuppa-Finnish Hall (2010), photo R. Kehlmann.
designated in 1979
August Trille, Designer, 1908
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Toward the end of the 19th century, a large Finnish immigrant community was located in west Berkeley. Together they constructed this wooden building which integrates traditional Finnish and American vernacular elements. An auditorium with a stage, a kitchen and dining hall, a library, and a sewing room helped make Toveri Tupa (“Comrades’ Lodge,” also spelled Toverii Tuppa) a center of community life.
Vigilante mobs vandalized the building after striking workers were fed here during the West Coast General Strike in 1934. In 1935, ideological divisions led to the construction of a separate Finnish Brotherhood Hall on Chestnut Street. This building then became known as “Red Finn Hall.” Sold in the 1970s, the Hall continues in use as a cultural and community center.
Berkeley Historical Plaque Project
Photo credit abbreviations:
BAHA: Berkeley Architectural Heritage Assn.
BHS: Berkeley Historical Society